Kyle Williams, CFP®, CPA

Financial Advisor
Kyle Williams

My Story

One evening, when I was 12 or 13, my father said, “Kyle, please come into my office.” His tone was official and I had heard these words before—I was in trouble. I hesitantly walked into my father’s office, shoulders hunched and head down, and stood next to him as he reclined in his large, leather office chair. My father looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Kyle, I want to show you something very important.” My posture slumped further as I thought to myself, “I’ve really done something wrong this time.” Then, my father pointed to a single piece of paper lying on his large mahogany desk. The paper showed a graph with a title that read, “The Power of Compounding Interest.” My sense of trepidation started to turn to curiosity (and a touch of confusion).

My father went on to explain that the graph illustrated how quickly your money can grow when you save a small amount on a consistent basis and invest it wisely. He told me that my grandfather had set up a small investment account for me, and encouraged me to start saving and investing my weekly chore allowance. At that point, I was standing upright and smiling, excited to see if I could accomplish what I saw on the graph with my weekly chore allowance.

From that point on, saving as much money as I could took precedence over purchasing new music CDs or the latest fashionable clothes. My friends thought I was crazy (and still do). I checked my investment account statements diligently and saw my account balance growing.

Years later, I completed an internship with a stockbroker at a large securities firm. Cold calling and trying to sell the latest investments left me feeling discouraged. I felt like I couldn’t really help others save and invest. Halfheartedly, I took my father’s advice and became a CPA.

After spending more than 10 years working for big corporations as an accountant, I felt that something was missing. My passion to educate and inspire people had never been explored—so I left my secure job to see where fortune would take me. After a year of soul searching, I was fortunate to have found Abacus, a place where exploring my long-neglected passions is encouraged and celebrated.

How I’m expanding what’s possible with money

Providing individuals and families with a clear roadmap to reach their financial goals. Simplifying finance so people can focus on what is most important to them. Aligning investments with peoples’ values.

Outside of work, my passions include

Silent meditation, backpacking, dancing, spending time with family and friends.

Follow Kyle Williams, CFP®, CPA

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