The Power of Female Community with Kahne Krause

Cover art featuring Kahne Krause

If Money Were Easy

Hosted by Mary Beth Storjohann and Neela Hummel

The Power of Female Community with Kahne Krause

Graphic of a photo of Mary Beth and Neela with a blue banner that reads, "If Money Were Easy"
If Money Were Easy
The Power of Female Community with Kahne Krause

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Episode Summary

In today’s episode, Kahne Krause joins Mary Beth and Neela to talk about the power of female communities. They discuss the strength of solidarity in women’s lives, and understanding the power of investment strategy, particularly for women. They talk about the gender confidence gap and the unique challenges and opportunities women face in their financial lives. They also explore the transformative power of community in wealth and investing, and the importance of dialogue and reflection in building healthy relationships with money. Learn about the power of empathy and connection in building a fulfilling financial life. 

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • The impact Kahne has made leading client communities through Dimensional
  • A reflection on women communities and how we can help each other
  • The impact Women and Money is having on women advisors and clients
  • Gender disparities and unconscious bias in finance
  • Why wealth management in not just about the numbers
  • Why advisors should look for those deeper conversations with clients
  • The importance of empathy when talking about money
  • A discussion about money, shame and basic human needs
  • How the confidence code can be applied to wealth management as well
  • The reason to look at the long-term plan when it comes to investing

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Transcript of the Episode

Neela [00:00:14]:

Hey there. Welcome to the If Money Were Easy podcast, the show where we teach you how to expand what’s possible with your money. We’re your hosts, Neela Hummel, 

Mary Beth [00:00:23]:

and Mary Beth Storjohann, 

Neela [00:00:25]:

certified financial planners and co CEOs of Abacus Wealth Partners. Today on the show we’re going to talk about the power of female community. 

Mary Beth [00:00:34]:

Today on the show we are super excited to have Kahne Krause as a guest. As head of client communities with Dimensional Fund Advisors, Kahne oversees more than 80 plus groups and forums ranging from traditional advisor study groups to executive forums and specialized groups focused on common interests such as Women and Wealth and Sustainable Investing. Dimensional communities provide a place for clients to have trusted conversations, build on their expertise, share ideas and learn from each other. Kahne has been at Dimensional for over 16 years. In that time, she has also worked closely with RIAs to address their most significant issues, from developing investment solutions to addressing practice management needs to working through strategic business initiatives. Prior to joining Dimensional in 2007, Kahne was a principal audio video engineer at Walt Disney Imagineering where she worked on the design and installation of theme park attractions at Disney Parks Worldwide. Kahne holds an MBA from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA and a bachelor’s degree in aeronautical and astronautical engineering from Purdue University. She is a CFA charter holder and a total badass. Thank you, Kahne, for being here. 

Kahne [00:01:43]:

Thanks, Mary Beth, and thanks, Neela. It’s great to be here with you today. 

Neela [00:01:48]:

We’re not worthy, we’re not worthy. 

Mary Beth [00:01:50]:

I love reading your bio every time I read your bio. We know Kahne, y’all, we’re going to kick it off with that one. We know Kahne and her bio is wow, every time it gets me. 

Neela [00:02:00]:

Such a powerhouse. We’re excited to have you. 

Kahne [00:02:01]:

Well, I feel like we’ve all been on this communities journey together and particularly with Women and Wealth. And Neela, I think I’ve known you my whole 16 years, almost ever since you started at Abacus. And Mary Beth, I remember hearing about you before I met you. And I know we’re talking about power and female community, but I think us together is an illustration of that. And now to see both of you as co CEOs, it’s so awesome. And it also, I think, speaks to the journey and speaks to some of the things you’re up against and some of the things you draw your own power from. So I’m looking forward to our conversation today.

Mary Beth [00:02:42]:

Thank you. 

Mary Beth [00:02:43]:

Love it.

Kahne [00:02:45]:

Oh, where do you want to start? 

Mary Beth [00:02:47]:

No, I was like, who’s going first?

Neela [00:02:48]:

Yeah. I’m like, well, we’ve solved it. This is the power of female community. This is it. It’s working, we’re doing it. Well, let’s kick it off. Kahne, you really launched this initiative and what is the power of communities?

Kahne [00:03:06]:

It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot. So I’ve been in this communities role at Dimensional for about five years. So prior to being in this role, I worked with a lot of advisor clients in Southern California and across the US. And Dimensional has always had study groups and other communities that have been part of how we’ve been successful and how I think advisors have been successful when we formalized it under this communities umbrella. And now I hear a lot about communities. But I felt like when we were first talking about, what is this? We came to the word communities because looking back, we saw the impact that it had. Over the last six months in particular, it’s been interesting. I’ve actually been asked to speak about communities in the role from clients that have been part of our various forums and study groups and other councils. And I actually paused and gave it some thought and been speaking about it. And there’s so many definitions, like if you look up definitions of community and you look up definitions of power, and this is what I did do this, but you could think about power and it could be about electrical stuff like joules and watts, literally electrical power. Here’s the nerd in us coming out, right? And then you think about communities. There’s different ways that communities are put together, but I think when we started to think about it, we thought about pulling people together with shared interests, shared experiences, and how we could use that to make ourselves all better. And I think for Women and Wealth, a lot of times when I was doing these presentations on the power of community, I would use examples from Women and Wealth because I could see that on display in the whole time that we’ve been doing this. And the Women and Wealth community actually predated my time as heading up client communities. It started in 2015. So we’ve been really sinking our teeth into this juicy apple for almost a decade and we have learned a lot about it. And to Dimensional’s credit, I feel like we learn from our clients, which is really, I think, again, kind of power of community, and our clients learn from each other. And it has had such an impact on my life, just personally and professionally. Women and Wealth is our largest community at Dimensional. It’s over 1500 people globally. And when we say they’re members of that community, that means they’ve engaged with us in meaningful conversations or events, not just somebody’s name we added to some list somewhere. And so we’ve had the opportunity to just continually try to understand what matters to both women professionally and also to women clients. And that’s how this whole thing started, is I had noticed that a lot of the clients that I worked with specialized in working with women, and we wanted to see if there was something we could add to that conversation, if we could help them. And we were hearing that women weren’t having the best investment experience. And fast forward over the years, we have just learned layers and layers of insights about the type of investment experience women were having. And then there’s also this connection to women working in the industry and just bringing awesome women professionals together to gain insights from each other. So that was a mouthful.

Mary Beth [00:06:36]:

So all of what you said is fascinating, and I would love to hear more about what you learned when you initially brought this group together, about the investment experience that women were having, because, like you said, there was something happening with this group of people. What did you find?

Kahne [00:06:51]:

Mary Beth we learned so much. In fact, one of the reasons, when we first started it, when we first started talking about what we could do in this space and, you know, as Neela knows, I get very excited about these different types of things. We realized we didn’t know much about Women and Wealth. My partner in crime, Ivana Oliva, who worked close with me at Dimensional, we looked at each other, and we had gone to business school together and had both gotten CFAs and all this. And we’re like, we have these ideas, but we don’t know if these will work. And so when we brought advisors together, and we were starting with looking at a women’s investment experience, and we started with, the question, is serving women different? And if so, how? We started asking about what’s working, what was holding them back. And I think as we started having conversations, I always started to think about it in terms of tangible things, like things that you can measure. And there was a lot of other research coming out in different forms about women investing at that time. And there were certain things, like tangible things as far as women and longevity. Women, on average, live longer than men. We learned about differences and the challenges that women had in saving, mainly because of time out of the workforce and having children and working with aging parents. We learned a whole host of things around that, even around potentially risk factors. Over time what we tried to do is say, well, what can we say about this? Tangibly, things you could measure. And then we also learned about the intangible things, things like how you build trust or the importance of empathy in a relationship and how to really connect with women. We heard from so many advisors that when they were working with, say, a traditionally married couple, that they would not be able to connect with her. And we’re like, well, why is that? And I think that there is a level of unconscious bias that happens in service industries that happens to us all. I think all three of us have probably been on the other end of those conversations at times where we might be with our husbands, and the conversation is not directed to us. And so we were able to put a microscope on a lot of those things and start diving into what women were experiencing. And prior to the Women and Wealth community, I had some thoughts on it, but I hadn’t taken that deep dive. 

Neela [00:09:24]:

I love it. There’s, like, the measurable pieces, which are demographic items. And it’s so funny when we talk about is serving women different, and we’re talking about 51% of the population, which is like a lot of people. It’s like is serving humans different? And so you have to almost pull back and be like, women are not a monolith, and yet there are certain things that do land with all or most women. Like you mentioned, statistically, we will live longer. Statistically, we’re going to spend more time out of the workforce, taking care of either kids or our parents, et cetera. And there are other physical risks that we might face. Seatbelts, for example, were designed around a 5’10”, 180 pound man. And so we have different health concerns. So I love that. So there’s quantifiable, and then there’s the softer intangible piece, like you mentioned. So when you think about female community, how does that address and really leveraging the power of female community, how does that address both the tangibles and the intangibles? 

Kahne [00:10:29]:

Yeah. Can I say one other thing before you say, I’m so glad you brought that up. It’s one of the things I first learned in this whole Women and Wealth community is that women aren’t a niche. And I know both of you have heard me talk about that, but I think it’s a point worth emphasizing. And our point in all of this was not to come out with some stereotypical words about this is what matters to women, but to try to see if we could tease out anything that would help women have a better experience. And so we’ve looked at different groups of women, and I think in financial services, you look at widows or women going through divorce, but even amongst widows and women going through divorce, there’s a broad spectrum. But yet, is there something we could say about the experience that they were having? 

Neela [00:11:12]:


Kahne [00:11:12]:

So what was your question again, Neela? 

Neela [00:11:15]:

How do you leverage the power of communities to help on the intangible side, some of the empathy, the softer skills, and then also addressing the realities of the things like you mentioned that can actually be measured? Where can you connect the power of community to addressing those pieces? 

Mary Beth [00:11:33]:

Yeah, I would say almost as a follow up. How are these problems being tackled in the room, within the communities? What’s coming up? What’s the conversation? You’ve been so instrumental in holding space for these communities. You are bringing everybody together and you’re facilitating, but you’re just watching it. So what are you seeing? What are the conversations you’re seeing that are happening in that room that tackle those areas?

Kahne [00:11:53]:

Okay, so this is a big question because I think we’ve come at it at different ways. We’ve asked the experts that we’ve known, both of you have had expertise in working with certain clients. And what we have really leaned into is what are the on the ground experiences with women clients and with women as professionals in this industry? And both continually surface. So, for example, there are some advisors that have really specialized in working with professional women. What are the things that are really critical to understanding what needs of theirs need to be met? Sometimes it’s about time constraints and meeting them where they are at. Actually, I think for so many people, it’s about meeting them where they’re at. But I think when you’re looking at potentially different segments of women understanding those clients and what they most need to make their life work, because it goes beyond money. I mean, money is definitely a part of it. Wealth is a part of it, but really getting an understanding of their needs, and that’s where the tangibles, I think, also come in. I think with wealth management, there’s always things that you can measure where people are in range of their goals, what their goals are. And I think that the power of community speaks to being able to take a deeper look at where people are. This idea of holding space, one of the things that we’ve been doing a lot in the Women and Wealth community with advisors and with investors is holding conversation circles. And this is in so many ways an act of actively listening and actually making connections within that conversation circle. And it is very much holding space where people feel like they have a sense of security. So that’s definitely an intangible. Like, how do you measure sense of security? I think you can see it when it is there by the way somebody acts and opens up and the insights that they have in their own power. And I think that that’s been. One of the things that we’ve really seen, is that conversation circles have been one thing that have helped women connect with others and solve a problem.

Mary Beth [00:14:11]:

Tell us more about the conversation circle. Paint a picture of what it looks like for those who maybe haven’t participated or been in one before.

Kahne [00:14:18]:

So it sounds very much like what it is. But yet there’s some magic in the structure of it, if you will. A conversation circle brings together, I would say, roughly somewhere in the range between ten and 20 women, or whoever else is in conversation. They’re not exclusively for women. We have found them as a particularly powerful tool. Tool is not the right word, but just a powerful experience for people who participate in them. We have gotten into all sorts of interesting questions on them, whether it’s money conversations, or whether it’s about resilience or confidence or even. I know you had Manisha on a couple weeks ago. We were inspired by her recent book, and we actually wrote a conversation circle on the idea of enough. And it’s the idea of this is when you bring people together in a structured circle that lays down a foundation for how the conversation is going to come together. It gives people a sense of safety. There are some ground rules as far as how you share. You come in with a sense of curiosity, but then the insights really come from the types of questions we’re asking and by people participating and thinking about their own experiences. So instead of trying to convince anybody of something, people have their own insights, which I think is where the power is. 

Mary Beth [00:15:47]:

Yeah, circles are amazing. We do them at Abacus, and we’ve had such a great response, and we have a variety of scripts, from widows to entrepreneurs, and everything in between. But Neela and I have both participated with Kahne in some of these conversation circles, and they’re very powerful and moving, and it’s wonderful because you’re in a safe space with a facilitator, and there’s journal prompts. There’s lots to reflect on. But the power of the group and the safety there, I think, is amazing and very impactful.

Kahne [00:16:16]:


Neela [00:16:16]:

To add on to that, when you’re talking about a conversation circle around a topic like money, where you honestly can’t think about money without the concept of shame. And I should have done this, we’re never really formally taught about it, so most people don’t really have a safe space to talk about these issues. And so to connect with a group and basically say, hey, this is where I’m not feeling comfortable or I’m not feeling confident. And we talked a lot about psychology before we went on air and how money and psychology are so connected. And just listening to the words that you’re saying Kahne, you know, safety and security and connection makes me think about Maslow’s need hierarchy. And, like, we’re not at the top. We’re kind of at the base level, like, just right above psychological needs, where we’re really talking about safety, security, and human connection, which are the things that most human beings really need more of. Nobody is sitting on their deathbed being like, God, I wish, like, worked more or I wish I’d spent less time with my kids. And so it’s like that human connection that is so important for people.

Mary Beth [00:17:24]:

And what I love about what you’re doing, Kahne, is the advisor component, right. You’re holding space for female professionals as well, the female professionals in this industry, and what that experience is, because we are minority in this industry, and depending on where your career is, there’s a defined experience there. And then we’re also holding space for the investors. And so powering the professionals, you’re providing the safe space for the professionals to be able to better serve the females. Just the connection points. And seeing that train, it’s so powerful, like, where you’re starting and where that impact lands out in the world. 

Kahne [00:17:58]:

Thanks, Mary Beth and Neela and I think the other thing that also comes out when we think about this is we’re asking questions that nobody’s ever asked before. You know a member of my team, Ashley Ilardo, who’s also on my team, we run a lot of circles together, and it has actually deepened the relationships on our team, because here we are working in investments, but we don’t necessarily know where our money beliefs are formed because nobody’s ever asked. But you can ask a question about some of your earliest money memories and how money shows up for you today. What are the things that you’re really happy about spending or not so happy about spending money on? It opens up parts of ourselves in a way to share and listen to each other that you just don’t get to in normal conversation. And what we’ve heard from advisors who are doing this with clients, and maybe you two can even see if this resonates true with you, is you get to learn things about your clients that might not come up in a normal meeting. And it speaks to connection, it speaks to values, it speaks to purpose. And we’ve seen conversation circles be very transformative to a firm’s business because they’re getting deeper conversations with their clients in an authentic way and in a meaningful way for both the advisor and the client. And when we do this with women in the industry, again, it’s almost like that exhale of being fully understood, and then that clears up some of the noise in your head to help you move forward and to help you see what’s really important. That’s kind of the gift that we’ve seen continually with these types of circles. 

Neela [00:19:37]:

It’s awesome. It’s almost tingly because you think about impact and you’re working with your clients, which are advisors like us, who then touch hundreds of other people’s lives. And so there’s a series of dominoes where you’re basically saying, we can do better as an industry, and here’s how. So thinking about the female investors, or just really the investors that are listening, how can we do better? What should they be demanding? What should they be asking for? What should they be looking for in terms of their investing experience? 

Kahne [00:20:12]:

Sometimes you can say something like, understanding your values is so important. And I know when I say that to both of you, you see that and you see the impact of values in a wealth conversation. But understanding where that person is coming from. If the end investor had an understanding of what was really motivating them in their full wealth picture, and if they could convey that to their advisor, I think it puts the advisor in a position to better help them. But it’s not necessarily simple getting to that. You don’t necessarily get that depth from filling out a survey or talking about what your retirement goals are, whatever your money goals are. There’s all these questions underneath the question that I think a lot of people have not thought deeply enough about. And so that, I think, is a lesson for advisors out there to invite them deeper, to actively listen, to really understand the empathy of what that client’s life experience is, both the things that light them up as well as the things that might hold them back, the fears, and then to address it. And I think getting to those levels of conversation, this feels like such a squishy answer. But I think those levels of conversations can really make a difference in somebody thinking about where they want to be. 

Mary Beth [00:21:47]:

I think it’s a squishy answer, but there’s actually a lot of work and effort behind that. Because like you said, you don’t get there in the beginning. Somebody doesn’t sit down and want to have these deep, open conversations with you. It is about providing that space and building that trust, and it is squishy. But when you think about what it actually takes in terms of a process or getting to that point where you’re able to do that deep dive, you have to be very intentional about guiding your clients to that point. 

Neela [00:22:14]:

It’s like harder than any wealth creation strategy as advisors could ever possibly implement because it’s so easy to focus on the how and not the why. 

Mary Beth [00:22:25]:

Right? Yeah. It’s the behavioral component that’s the hardest part to control. We can totally plug in the formulas and the numbers all day long. The psychology behind it, as we’ve said. 

Kahne [00:22:36]:

Yeah. The other thing is, I think the expertise part of this is also crucial. I mean, advisors come with expertise. And I think what we’ve learned about women clients is they want a combination of expertise and empathy. Vulnerability plays into this, where they can be vulnerable and even the advisor can show some vulnerability. So the expertise in understanding what their situation is and where they’re coming from. For example, one of the things we’ve learned from advisors with some widows is that they really need to get an understanding of spending, of cash flows coming in and cash flows going out. So having some expertise around helping them navigate that part of their life where maybe their life has been completely turned upside down and just getting a handle on checklists of what they need to do, there’s real expertise in that, but there’s also empathy, and there’s also being able to ask them questions about what their next life stage is. And I think that that’s true for not just women, but for men, too. But what we’ve seen in Women and Wealth is that there’s a particular resonance when you combine expertise with empathy and vulnerability that makes for very satisfied clients. 

Neela [00:23:54]:

Yeah, it’s the combination. It’s the soft skills, it’s the hard skills, and how those really connect for a better experience. 

Mary Beth [00:24:01]:

So I have one more question before we transition to the wrap ups. And you mentioned the beginning. This started back in 2015 for the Women and Wealth community. And you talked about being curious and needing to be curious. Tell us how curiosity and willingness to evolve have been a part of this community over time, because you obviously started it with one thing in mind, and it’s come a long way in the past decade. And so what have you learned for? How has that curiosity benefited or not benefited over time as it’s evolved? 

Kahne [00:24:32]:

I think one of the things about the power of community is we’ve also learned about the power of asking questions. And that’s not lip service. We walk that walk and talk that talk. Curiosity is, I think it’s essential in everything we do. Even on the investment strategy part of it, we’re always thinking about how we can do better there. But specifically with this, I think me and my team, we always are pushing ourselves to ask better questions. That innately speaks to curiosity. When we started with Women and Wealth, this question of, is serving women different? Well, after we started to figure out some of the pieces of that puzzle, it pushed us to ask more. And there’s been things that we’ve started to look at, like confidence. We were able to interview Katty Kay, for example, who’s the author of The Confidence Code for a conference a couple of years back. And it was one of these things where confidence was surfacing in the Women and Wealth community. And so many advisors had told us, oh, you should read this book called The Confidence Code. And we’re so busy, we’re like, we’ll get to it. And then we started to read it. We also started to see the parallels and we started to apply it to wealth management. And we were able to then say, well, gee, how else could we explore this? And we actually have a question on our end investor survey that asks about how you would rate your own investment knowledge. And we saw market difference between, generally speaking, how men and women answer that question. And so I think the curiosity factor is the balance between being open and hearing what is coming back to us. And then that’s been guiding us. I mean, it really has been guiding us in. Everything we do is trying to understand what is most important, both to end investors and to the advisors that we work with. And we’re such a curious bunch over here, and particularly on the communities team, that I feel like it’s just part and parcel of what we do. But it has, going back to my original point, we’ve really understood the power of asking, the power of questions, and we’ve learned so much, we can’t stop ourselves from continuing to ask.

Neela [00:26:52]:

I love it. Well, it’s been awesome to be a part of the communities and can speak firsthand, just having you here, having Manisha on the podcast, I mean, Abacus completed a merger connected to one of the community events that Dimensional hosted. We brought conversation circles to Abacus, special shout out to Diane Bordeaux for those. And it’s been transformative, I know, for us. So thank you for all the work that you’re doing.

Mary Beth [00:27:16]:

Thank you. 

Neela [00:27:17]:

And now we’re going to transition to our closing questions. And I’m really excited to hear the answers to these because you think you know someone and then you ask these closing questions and you just don’t know so we’ll kick it off with, what is the best financial advice that you ever received? 

Kahne [00:27:34]:

We are exposed to so much good financial advice, especially me in my role. And I heard Manisha’s answer to this. I’m like, mine would never be so succinct. I think hers was, live within your means. I’m like, oh, that’s a great one. And you guys did let us know. And so I had a little thought on this, but I’m keeping this unscripted. But I think there’s a couple of things that stand out, and one of them is just embracing being a long-term investor and embracing, we’re talking about the power of communities, but embracing the power of the markets. And those two things, I think, really go together, because financial markets have rewarded long term investors. And what I like about that is that it’s also accessible to anyone. You see progress. And you mentioned Diane. She equates investing with hiking sometimes. And she’ll say, and her phrase that rings in my head is investing is like a hike. When you look back on a hike and you’re like, look how far I’ve gone. And I think that that spotlights, again those two things. Being a long-term investor and taking in the good of financial markets and what they can do for you. It’s one of those things that you can start wherever you’re at and you can improve your situation. And I think that that’s so motivating. If I think about this from a long-term perspective, my situation is going to become better. 

Mary Beth [00:28:56]:

That’s a fabulous answer. 

Neela [00:28:57]:


Mary Beth [00:28:58]:

Just fabulous. 

Kahne [00:28:59]:

Really? I like Manisha’s better. 

Mary Beth [00:29:02]:

We have not had an answer like that.

Kahne [00:29:04]:

Okay, good. 

Mary Beth [00:29:04]:

I think it’s wonderful. And I was like, oh, my gosh, we haven’t talked about the power yet. Long term investing, it’s so just part of us, Neela. And I think it’s so part of us. And we talk with clients one on one. I don’t think we’ve actually dug into just accept it’s long term. 

Kahne [00:29:16]:


Mary Beth [00:29:16]:

Kind of put down the whole quick dollar, quick return type thing. 

Neela [00:29:19]:

It’s a marathon, not a right sprint. 

Mary Beth [00:29:21]:

Yeah. So, okay, so let’s turn that around. So what is your favorite money mistake you’ve made and why? 

Kahne [00:29:28]:

All right, I did give this a little thought as well. I think I’ve made a lot of actually pretty good decisions along the way. 

Neela [00:29:33]:

I’m so shocked. 

Mary Beth [00:29:33]:

Going back to that bio. 

Kahne [00:29:36]:

Okay, but back to that bio. When I was in my 20s and I was working at Disney, I had my first 401k, and I was putting money away, diligently because one of my sisters is like, you got to start putting money away. And as an engineer, I didn’t know anything about investing back then. And I remember I picked out the name of one of the funds that I had in my 401K. I’m not going to say what it is, but because I liked the name. 

Neela [00:30:05]:

You picked the wine bottle for the label. We’ve all done it. 

Kahne [00:30:07]:

I think why I like that, why it’s probably my favorite, is because fast forward, I’ll talk to my siblings about their 401Ks. Since I’m not advising clients, I’ve looked at the things that matter and looked at things like expense ratio and diversification and other things. And is a fund going to give you broad market exposure? So it illustrates, again, kind of that long term thing, how far I’ve come, as far as investment knowledge and the basics can get you a long way. If you think about, again, expense ratio, diversification, market exposure, those things right there offer such great insights. 

Neela [00:30:51]:

Right. And to give you kudos that the most important thing that you did back then was you contributed to your 401K. You did it. 

Kahne [00:30:59]:

That was a good decision. 

Mary Beth [00:31:01]:

That was a good one. 

Neela [00:31:05]:

Okay, final question. Fill in the blank. If money were easy… 

Kahne [00:31:10]:

If money were easy, we would have better conversations. We’d be able to talk about things like goals more easily. It would help us achieve those goals. We’d be able to lose some of the jargon, because I think in our industry there’s so much jargon, we could talk about what money means to us and why. And that might be thinking about conversation circles. It might be something along the lines of freedom or stability or stress. So I think if money were easy, all those conversations would give us more insights, and I think we’d make better life. 

Neela [00:31:45]:

Love it. 

Mary Beth [00:31:45]:

Love it. Kahne thank you so much for being here. Can you tell our listeners how they can find you on the Internet, learn more about Dimensional? 

Kahne [00:31:52]:

Well, first off, thank you. This has been a pleasure. Dimensional has a presence on the Internet, I think. Our website is, and it will ask you, US citizen or not, and all of that. And there’s a bunch of great information on what we do and how we do it. And then I am on LinkedIn. I do post on our communities on occasion. So if anybody’s interested in connecting with me, feel free to reach out on LinkedIn.

Mary Beth [00:32:20]:


Neela [00:32:21]:

Thank you so much. And thank you for all the work that you’re doing. I think a lot of our listeners have probably been impacted by the work that you’re doing, whether they know it or not. And so keep fighting the good fight and you continue to just dazzle with your expertise, humility and incredibleness. I just made that word up. So thank you. 

Kahne [00:32:40]:

I hope that everybody’s listening, and I told you before we hit record, when I listen to your podcast, I feel like I’m having a conversation with friends. So everybody who’s listening, I hope you feel like you’re having a real, authentic conversation with friends because things might not come out perfect or as articulate as I hope. But hopefully you feel the genuineness behind this. 

Neela [00:33:02]:

Money ain’t easy, but we’re trying to make it easier. 

Kahne [00:33:05]:

There you go. 

Mary Beth [00:33:05]:

We are. Better conversations. Thanks Kahne.

Neela [00:33:08]:

Thank you Kahne. 

Kahne [00:33:09]:

Thanks ladies. 

Mary Beth [00:33:11]:

Thanks for tuning in to today’s episode of If Money Were Easy. If this is the year that you want to expand what’s possible with your money and you can use some professional guidance along the way, head over to started and schedule your free consultation. 

Mary Beth [00:33:49]:

Abacus Wealth Partners is an SEC registered investment advisor. SEC registration does not constitute an endorsement of Abacus Wealth Partners by the SEC, nor does it indicate that Abacus Wealth Partners has attained a particular level of skill or ability. This material prepared by Abacus Wealth Partners is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for personalized investment advice or as a recommendation or solicitation of any particular security strategy or investment product. Opinions expressed by Abacus Wealth Partners are based on economic or market conditions at the time this material was written. Facts presented have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Abacus Wealth Partners, however, cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information, and certain information presented here may have been condensed or summarized from its original source. Abacus Wealth Partners does not provide tax or legal advice, and nothing contained in these materials should be taken as tax or legal advice. Economies and markets fluctuate. Actual economic or market events may turn out differently than anticipated. No investor should assume that future performance will be profitable or equal, either the previous reflected performance or that of the reference benchmarks. The historical performance results of the comparative benchmark do not reflect the deduction of transaction and custodial charges or the deduction of an investment management fee, the incurrence of which would decrease indicated historical performance. The S&P Index includes 500 leading companies in the US and is widely regarded as the best single gauge of large cap US equities. The holdings and performance of Abacus Wealth Partners client accounts may vary widely from those of the presented indices. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Abacus Wealth Partners and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. No advice may be rendered by Abacus Wealth Partners unless a client service agreement is in place.

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