Reflections on 2022: Expanding What’s Possible

Grass on beach

Please note the publish date of this blog. Financial information, market conditions, and other data mentioned in this post may no longer be accurate or relevant.

To Our Clients and Friends of Abacus, 

2022 was a year of growth, impact, and continued strength and resilience. As the year draws to an end, we want to express our gratitude to you – our clients, colleagues, and friends – for helping us build on the foundation we call the Abacus community. 

This year, your continued support and engagement helped us broaden our impact and do genuine good in the world through pro bono opportunities and charitable donations, ongoing work on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and our continued dedication to helping transform the world of finance into a vehicle for positive global change. Your support also allowed us to:

  • Continue our annual commitment to the BLX internship program, a charitable organization whose mission is to make the demographics of the financial planning profession more representative of our country’s population. To date, Abacus has hosted 10 interns through the program and hired three into our team. We are also participating in a year-end fundraising campaign, matching up to $10,000 in donations through December 31st.
  • Launch a $100,000 scholarship in 2023 with the Certified Financial Planner Board geared towards promoting diversity within the financial services profession. 16 scholarships will be given out over the next four years.
  • Onboard over 120 new clients and give voice to their best hopes for securing their unique financial futures. Many of these clients are referrals from you, our community, and we thank you for your trust in us. 
  • Complete over 140 hours of pro bono financial planning, while also expanding the content available in Abacus Academy, our free online learning resource.
  • Successfully implement co-leadership at the CEO and CIO positions in 2022, while experiencing many benefits from this move.
  • Mindfully and publicly use our voice, speaking with clients, colleagues, and the financial community in ways that feel authentic to our company’s values.
  • Strengthen how our company serves our clients and each other through improved definitions of role clarity, accountability, and enhanced team communication.

Mostly, we continue working to leave the world in a better place than we found it, collectively endeavoring to align our values with money, provide a sense of security and legacy for our loved ones, and be responsible stewards of the planet. 

Above all, Abacus does not exist without our invaluable clients and incredible team members, nor the vast community of supporters and collaborators who come together to infuse the company with its authenticity and uniqueness. There is simply no Abacus without you. 

To each of you, we say thank you for your kindness, curiosity, critiques, and connection. We hope to always honor your investment in us.

We wish you peace and happiness in 2023.

Abacus company photo


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